Dearest Ann,

I have tried many times to sit down and write this letter but each time fail to do so, I just sit and stare at this blank sheet of paper. It must be the most difficult letter that I have ever had to write and hope I never have to repeat. Although I saw both you and Erol a few weeks ago, I still needed to say just a few words about Kubilay and to let you know that we are constantly thinking of him and both of you.

Yes, Kubilay was indeed quite a remarkable young man, in fact I'd go as far as to say that he was quite unique. Apart from being a tall, handsome man, highly intelligent, his manners and courteousness was something that you noticed immediately, something that seems to be lacking with so many young people today, and this in itself must reflect on both you and Erol and in the way in which you had brought him up. Even as a little boy his command of the English language always put me to shame whenever I was in his company. You and Erol must have been and continue to be so proud of him. Dave and I both feel saddened by the fact that although we never spent a great deal of time with him, the knowledge that we will now be deprived of ever having that privilege, gives us a great feeling of loss, it is something that would have given us immense pleasure and joy.

Ann, I want you to know that he will always remain in our memory - with us all. We have often in the past quoted little quips from when he was a small boy - you know the ones, like - "good afternoon ladies" and "oh, and I do so like my desserts". These innocent comments made by a young boy of 6 or 7 years old have remained with us over the years and have often been quoted during the course of the Hamilton family conversations, and will continue to do so. In this small way his memory will remain with us for ever, and we will remember him with much fondness, and, in time, we will smile once again. I hope that this will give both you and Erol some solace in the knowledge that certainly our family, amongst many others, will never forget him.

I know that I am now repeating myself, but if you need anything or would like to talk to me, at any time, day or night, please phone me, and I will be there for you.

With love to you both.
